About US

Lucas Nelson

LN Landscaping was founded in 2019 by a young entrepreneur named Lucas Nelson.

The son of a Landscaper & Professional Photographer made the perfect recipe for a hard work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. Starting with a small truck, trailer, and some hand tools, he made it his mission to instill creativity into his client’s landscaping. He spent the past 4 years honing his craft to bring the Midwest the epitome of landscaping.  

One of the most important parts of any company is its employees or “crew’’.

“I have invested heavily into trucks, equipment, and tools, but nothing comes close to my crew. These guys are everything to me and some have been here since the very beginning.” – Lucas Nelson

Riley Bratland

Young Professionail & Lead Foreman of the crew, Riley Bratland, has been in the contracting space for 6+ years. His responsibilities are running equipment at our sites as well as managing our projects. He has a passion for contracting and a determined work ethic instilled in him by his entrepreneur father.

Ben Swanson

Our Labor Forman, Ben Swanson, is in charge of running and teaching our 5 man crew how to build the projects we design with our clients. Ben has been with us since the very first year of business and we have enjoyed teaching him and watching him grow into the experienced, responsible foreman he is today. If it weren’t for these guys, the company wouldn’t be what it is today